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TouchGFX Designer : Error "Unable to locate C:/<path_to_folder>"

Associate III


I created a project in STM32CubeIDE, I initialized all peripherals to their default mode using CubeMX, and generated some TouchGFX code usingTouchGFX Generator. Then I opened the file ApplicationTemplate.touchgfx.part with TouchGFX Designer, drew some graphics and tried to generate the code, but I got an error, here are the logs :

"Generate Code


       Wrote config/gcc/


   Generate Assets

       make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8

       Reading ./application.config


   Post Generate

       touchgfx update_project --project-file=simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj



   Post Generate Target

       touchgfx update_project --project-file=../Essai_13.ioc --platform=m4

       Unable to locate C:/Users/bernard/Home/TouchGFX_Projects/Essai_13/TouchGFX



Note that C:/Users/bernard/Home/TouchGFX_Projects/Essai_13/TouchGFX is the path to the folder where ApplicationTemplate.touchgfx.part resides.

What is wrong here ? What can I do to work on this project with TouchGFX Designer ?

Thanks in advance !


Ideally, I'd like to generate a project with "Generate under Root" option checked when generating for STM32CubeIDE and then have TouchGFX be able to compile.

Easy way to check this out:

  1. Generate a new project in CubeMX for the dual core MCUs.
  2. Add the TouchGFX software pack
  3. Generate code
  4. Start TouchGFX and open the .part file for the new project
  5. Click generate code.

You'll find that same old familiar error. Can't find the .project file.

The "work around" is to uncheck the "Generate under Root" checkbox in the project settings. I really dislike the whole virtual files / folders that eclipse uses when this option is removed.

I was able to successfully generate a TouchGFX / CubeIDE project for the H7 Dual core mcu. It was, however, a huge pain in the ****.

You will need to copy the .cproject file from the CM7 directory to the root.

Run the TouchGFX designer and generate code

Edit the .cproject file in the root and replace all the ../CM7 references with ../

Copy the .cproject file back to the CM7 directory

Deal with the simulator files that need to be excluded from the project

Associate II


Tried all suggestions above, but doesn't seem working.

New versions have this, but the error still persists. STM32h747
Almost a year has passed, but there is no solution?