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TouchGFX Designer : Error "Unable to locate C:/<path_to_folder>"

Associate III


I created a project in STM32CubeIDE, I initialized all peripherals to their default mode using CubeMX, and generated some TouchGFX code usingTouchGFX Generator. Then I opened the file ApplicationTemplate.touchgfx.part with TouchGFX Designer, drew some graphics and tried to generate the code, but I got an error, here are the logs :

"Generate Code


       Wrote config/gcc/


   Generate Assets

       make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8

       Reading ./application.config


   Post Generate

       touchgfx update_project --project-file=simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj



   Post Generate Target

       touchgfx update_project --project-file=../Essai_13.ioc --platform=m4

       Unable to locate C:/Users/bernard/Home/TouchGFX_Projects/Essai_13/TouchGFX



Note that C:/Users/bernard/Home/TouchGFX_Projects/Essai_13/TouchGFX is the path to the folder where ApplicationTemplate.touchgfx.part resides.

What is wrong here ? What can I do to work on this project with TouchGFX Designer ?

Thanks in advance !

Associate III

If I sum up, in ApplicationTemplate.touchgfx.part, you need to insert 2 lines :


"Application": {
    "Name": "Essai_12",


"Application": {
  "Platform": "m4",
  "ProjectFile": "../Essai_12.ioc",
    "Name": "Essai_12",

And of course adapt to your platform and .ioc file name.


We're just releasing 4.19.1 now, and we just made a fix to compensate for this scenario, which could happen, where the designer was not robust in updating projects when the .part file was used as the project reference during an update of an application (e.g. 4.18.1 to 4.19.1).


Dear Martin,

I have same problem. I added your recommention lines. But problem avaiable. What could be reason?



 "Application": {

  "Platform": "m7",

"ProjectFile": "../den1.ioc",

  "Name": "den1",

  "TouchGfxPath": "../Middlewares/ST/touchgfx",

  "AvailableColorDepths": [ 24 ],



   "24": "LCD24bpp"


  "AvailableResolutions": [


    "Width": 800,

    "Height": 480



  "PostGenerateTargetCommand": "touchgfx update_project",

  "Family": "STM32H7",

  "SubFamily": "STM32H747/757",

  "Platform": "m7",

  "ProjectFile": "../../den1.ioc",

  "OptionalComponentsRoot": "../Middlewares/ST/touchgfx_components",

  "OptionalComponents": [



 "Version": "4.20.0"



  Generate Assets

    make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8

    Reading ./application.config


  Post Generate

    touchgfx update_project --project-file=simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj


  Post Generate Target

    touchgfx update_project

    Unable to locate E:/Yazilim/stm_32/h747/den1/.cproject




Does that .cproject file even exist at that location?



Richard Lowe
Senior III

0693W00000WJtGeQAL.pngI have the same issue on a dual core M7/M4. It is not finding the .cproject file in the root. Which isn't there. The .cproject file exists in the M7 directory along with the ToughGFX folder.

I copied the .cproject file from the M7 directory to the root and that seems to solve the problem in TouchGFX designer, but the paths are complete messed up when you compile them in CubeIDE.

TouchGFX Version: 4.20

HAL CubeH7 Version: 1.11

MCU: STM32H757

ApplicationTemplate.touchgfx.part file:

  "Application": {
    "Name": "NLMonitor",
    "TouchGfxPath": "../Middlewares/ST/touchgfx",
    "AvailableColorDepths": [ 24 ],
      "24": "LCD24bpp"
    "AvailableResolutions": [
        "Width": 800,
        "Height": 480
    "PostGenerateTargetCommand": "touchgfx update_project",
    "Family": "STM32H7",
    "SubFamily": "STM32H747/757",
    "Platform": "m7",
    "ProjectFile": "../../NLMonitor.ioc",
    "OptionalComponentsRoot": "../Middlewares/ST/touchgfx_components",
    "OptionalComponents": [
  "Version": "4.20.0"

TouchGFX Generate Code Output:

Post Generate Target
        touchgfx update_project
        Unable to locate <file directory here>/Monitor/.cproject

 Compiler output:

Did you find a resolution to this? I have the same error on the same platform.

Dear martin,

I cant find a solution by myself. but I create project in touchgfx with a disco board sample. and I modifiyed depends on my boar. Now project working withoud failed.




Dual core projects are always a bit more complex :grinning_face_with_sweat: Did you start a project from STM32CubeMX or did you use a TouchGFX Board Setup for the STM32H747 dk board and modified it ? If the first (which is the best process) I would still suggest to create a project with the STM32H747dk example to compare the files and settings.


I tried all. The project generation from STM32CubeMX in my preference, but it doesn't work. I've generated a working project from TouchGFX but I DO NOT like the virtual folders and files that it uses in STM32CubeIDE.

I will generate both but I'm not really interested in modifying a file each time I re-generate the project. Would love to see it fixed.


Could you elaborate a bit more on what you would prefer to have ? So that we can see what we can do ? Without your project it is a bit difficult to truly find the issue. I remember struggling a lot creating the TouchGFX Board Setup for the stm32h747dk and eval with my colleagues so I completely understand the struggle :grinning_face_with_sweat:.
