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TouchGFX compile problems

Associate III

Hello, i am unable to compile a touchgfx project.

Try #1:

Starting from CubeMX, Version 6.10.0 i click on Generate Code. It ends with "The Code is successfully generated under:".  When i click on Src/ApplicationTemplate.touchgfx.part, it opens TouchGFX Designer Version 4.23.1.

I start with a "Blank UI" and klick on Import.Then i define there a Box and a Button.

Then i click on "Generate Code" it fails with: Generate Code | Failed.

Unsupported toolchain: Makefile


Here the CubeMX is running on a linux box while TouchGFX Designer is running on a Windows 10 computer.


Try #2:

I import the .ioc file from CubeMX into STM32 CubeIDE version 1.14.0 with "Import an Existing STM32CubeMX Configuration File (.ioc). I choose target language C++. During import code is generated. The structure looks different compared to generated code in Try #1. When i click TouchGFX/ApplicationTemplate.touchgfx.part it opens TouchGFX Designer.

I start with a "Blank UI" and click on Import.Then i define there a Box and a Button.

Then i click on "Generate Code" it succeeds with "Generate Code | Done".

Back in CubeIDE i click on "Build Project" and it succeeds.

Does someone know how to generate a Makefile for CLI compilation?



Hello @sk-st ,


That is great to hear!

So now you can do everything you want? Create a GUI and flash it, etc?

What are the adjustments that you had to do to the folders?



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)