2019-05-22 1:22 AM
i use snprintf function to print some UnicodeChar variable. But i have trouble to get special charcters printed (as é, è, ü...) by the mean of this function.
(even if i have declared in the typography wildcard Character column the special characters (éè) )
What is the right way to have these specials characters printed ?
best regards
exemple :
touchgfx::Unicode::UnicodeChar start_txt_next_service_valueBuffer[START_TXT_NEXT_SERVICE_VALUE_SIZE];
Unicode::snprintf(start_txt_next_service_valueBuffer, START_TXT_NEXT_SERVICE_VALUE_SIZE, "%d %s", CAN_getNextServiceDays(), TypedText(T_START_NEXT_SERVICE_DAYS).getText());
2019-06-14 4:58 AM
So don't know where the problem is : the containt of the start_txt_next_service_valueBuffer is correct:
Here is the declartion of variables :
touchgfx::TextAreaWithOneWildcard start_txt_next_service_value;
* Wildcard Buffers
static const uint16_t START_TXT_NEXT_SERVICE_VALUE_SIZE = 50;
touchgfx::Unicode::UnicodeChar start_txt_next_service_valueBuffer[START_TXT_NEXT_SERVICE_VALUE_SIZE];
thanks for your support
2019-06-17 12:19 AM
When i do not use the UnicodeChar variable start_txt_next_service_valueBuffer) link to tart_txt_next_service_value, that works OK :
start_txt_next_service_value.setTypedText(TypedText(T_START_SERVICE_LINE2_NUM14)); prints well é or è special characters.
So th eproblem is not in the font generation, but in the fact we use a touchgfx::Unicode::UnicodeChar buffer linked to a touchgfx::TextAreaWithOneWildcard variable.
Is there a way to print correctly special characters ?
best regards