2024-09-07 10:19 AM
Run Simulator
Generate Assets
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8 --trace
simulator/gcc/Makefile:32: target 'assets' does not exist
make -r -f generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile -s -j --jobserver-fds=gmake_semaphore_3068 --trace assets -C "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/13123/MyApplication"
generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile:221: target 'images' does not exist
touchgfx/framework/tools/imageconvert/build/win/imageconvert.out -r assets/images -w generated/images
generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile:225: target 'texts' does not exist
ruby touchgfx/framework/tools/textconvert/main.rb assets/texts/texts.xml touchgfx/framework/tools/fontconvert/build/win/fontconvert.out generated/fonts generated/texts assets/fonts .
generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile:229: target 'videos' does not exist
ruby touchgfx/framework/tools/videoconvert/videoconvert.rb assets/videos generated/videos
Reading ./application.config
Reading ./target.config
Post Generate
touchgfx update_project --project-file=simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile -j8
Reading ./application.config
Reading ./target.config
2024-09-09 01:22 AM
Hello @sunbo and welcome to the community!
How long does it takes before the simulator is running?
How big is your application?
It can take a bit of time to compile if you have a big project. TouchGFX need to generate the assets in the right format and needs to compile your application using GCC (we are limited by GNU capabilities, it cannot go faster by using this compiler).
Was the compilation faster before and got slower or has it always been this speed?
2024-09-30 03:20 AM
Hello @sunbo ,
Have you been able to move forward with your issue?
2024-10-09 05:58 PM
Thank You Gaetan Godart
Computer Performance:I9-13980HX 48G RAM (Win10 IOT LTSC)
TouchGFX4.24.0 Examples :Animated Image Example -> Run Simulator
"make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8 (25 seconds)"
"make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile -j8 (24 seconds)"
These two instructions are the most time-consuming, and the time consumption of other processes is negligible
2024-10-09 06:04 PM
Testing has found that installing TouchGFX on a pure system can execute make quickly, but once other software has been installed, executing make will be slow.
I'm not sure if there is a process obstructing the execution of the make command
2024-10-10 01:04 AM
Hello @sunbo ,
Can you try to disconnect from the internet and then try to run your simulator and tell me the result?
2024-10-10 01:17 AM
Seems you install next make sofware in your path system, and this overide TGFX make.