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TouchGFX 4.22.0 as part of CubeIDE 1.13.1 does not work

Associate III

I activated TouchGFX in CubeIDE (...->...-> TouchGFX Generator ),
made the default project settings, generated code, but when I double-click from the file xxxxxxxx.tuchgfx.part
I want to open TouchGFX, at the beginning I get a warning that

<<< The path E:\PORCER STM32\my_F429i_5\TouchGFX contains spaces, this can result in erroneous behaviour
while compiling >>>

 and then when I enter TouchGFX,
during generation code gives

<<< Generate Assets
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8
simulator/gcc/Makefile:20: *** Spaces not allowed in path. Stop.
Failed >>>

Associate III

Thanks in advance

Associate III

It turned out that this problem is revealed , when I try in TouchGFX add a regular button (the very first one in the button menu).
but there is I noticed another interesting defect.

By default TouchGFX when it generates a file xxxx.ioc ,then there is < debug = disable >, when in my_a1.ioc I put <debug = serial wire> then after build and run, the display does not work at all, and then when parameter debug I put  in the opposite position < debug = disable >,
and then I generate the code, do the build, run, then the display didn't work again,
why is this so , what is it mean ?

Associate III

the problems are partially solved, maybe this will help someone, 1) it turned out that buttons larger than the Display X or Y size cannot be used,

2) and when we change something in CubeMx, automatically changes the configuration Clock of. LCD, and then it needs to be corrected again LCD-TFT = 6 MHz

And now when I try to activate.USB OTG HS in FS -> VCP mode ,with the display working, Then I get errors like

I'm holding USB CLK = 48 MHz in CubeIDE ...

--- ./Application/User/stm32f4xx_it.o: in function `OTG_HS_IRQHandler': 

--- ./Application/User/main.o: in function `MX_USB_OTG_HS_PCD_Init': STM32F429I-DISCO C/C++ Problem

--- undefined reference to `HAL_PCD_Init' main.c /STM32F429I-DISCO/Application/User line 524 C/C++ Problem

Can anyone please give me some hint?