2021-03-07 8:02 AM
I'm trying to run an example for X-NUCLE-GFX01M1 shield and I'm facing weird issues.
TouchGFX generator doesn't generate images data.
generated/gui_generated/src/screen1_screen/Screen1ViewBase.cpp:6:10: fatal error: BitmapDatabase.hpp: No such file or directory
#include "BitmapDatabase.hpp"
I forced once but I can't make it again. What is wrong?
2021-03-08 1:16 AM
You started a project from TouchGFX Designer with the application template for the STM32G0 nucleo board and with a UI template (or with an example in the Online Application tab) ? Or did you start your project from scratch ?
2021-03-08 4:42 AM
I've started from TouchGFX Generator's online example for G0. It works now for me, but I made a step back to 4.16.0.
2021-03-08 7:56 AM
Which online example did you use ? I was not able to replicate your issue.
2021-03-09 12:33 AM
Hi! I hit the same issue with 4.16.0. I'm taking this example I noted that the first project with a fresh install and fresh workspace generates images ok. When I'm trying to make a second or further same project - images are not generated by the Designer.
Please try to make a few same projects from an online template in one workspace.
2021-03-09 1:48 AM
I do not face this issue when I create a project with any of the online application for the STM32G0 from TouchGFX Designer 4.16.0 and .1 . Could you describe the steps you have done ? When you write TouchGFX Generator, do you mean TouchGFX Designer which is the GUI builder tool or do you talk about the TouchGFX Generator which is an additional software component of CubeMX ?
Are you trying to run on target from Designer or are you using another IDE/Toolchain ? Did you open the STM32CubeMX project ? If yes did you click on the "continue" or "migrate" option ? You should not migrate as the current package faces issues, but yours are not the same.
2021-03-09 1:56 AM
Just only use TouchGFX Designer to make that issue.
No matter if I "Continue" or "Migrate". The template from TouchGFX Designer is without whole images directory.
2021-03-09 5:22 AM
Why do you do step 8 ? You can just use the CubeIDe project in the generate project folder, I am unsure why you are doing the rest.
2021-03-09 5:24 AM
I'm not creating any project in CubeIDE. Just import :) Everything is created in TGFX Designer. I just wanted to make two separate projects based on the TGFX Designer template.