2020-12-22 2:15 AM
today I updated my project from touchgfx 4.15.0 to 4.16.0. I noticed problem with L8_RGB565 format of image as you can see it on the picture (picture is from my custom board) :
My board is based on STM32H7 MCU. My frame buffers are 16bit. In the last release of touchgfx I didn't have these issues. I noticed that drivers for DMA2D are updated. Is it possible that this is a bug ? Or I'm missing something here?
2021-01-06 6:40 AM
thank you for reporting this, could you share your project ? Are you using a custom board or did you start from an application template within TouchGFX Designer ?
I do not have an H7 with me right now but will have a look when I can.
2021-01-06 6:50 AM
Hi @Romain DIELEMAN, I'm using a custom board. Unfortunately I can't share project because of company policy . But I can reproduce this project with STM32F746 or STM32F769 discovery board and can share it with you.
2021-01-06 11:54 AM
So today I got some spare time and I managed to reproduce this issue on STM32F746-DISCO board. I didn't use a template from touchgfx designer because DMA2D drivers are there from the previous release of touchgfx. Hope this helps in investigating this issue.
2021-01-06 11:59 PM
thanks I will give it a try when i get my hands on a board.
2021-10-28 5:34 AM
my current error looks identical.
I also use the slightly older 4.16.0 version.
Did the error have something to do with this known bug?
I hope you can help me
Best Regurds