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HelloI have implemented a screenshot function that copies the first framebuffer and transfers it to the PC via a UART.Everything works fine, but some pixels have incorrect colors in the screenshot.Especially the colorbending in for creen does not loo...
Hello,I am getting an Internal Assert error.To be more precise:"framework/source/platform/driver/lcd/LCD16bpp.cpp #75".The call stack looks something like this:touchgfx::LCD::drawPartialBitmap()touchgfx::Image::draw() at Image.cpp:38 0x8017152   touc...
Hi ST Community,we want to create a graph in a CacheableContainer.So far this works as well.As soon as an additional GraphElementArea is instantiated (not added to the graph) there is an assertion fault when drawToDynamicBitmap(....) is executed.The ...
Hello,is there an example for the cacheable containers or generally more information than in the doc:
Hello,We use the CubeIDE generator for most of the code initialization. Therefore the HAL is also inizalized. The function HAL_Init(); is executed and TIM1 is started.The Hal ticks work fine.Now I want to use the Chanel 1 of Timer1 for a PWM signal o...