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TFT Display using NUCLEO-F746ZG

Ray Mendoza
Associate II
Posted on May 31, 2017 at 18:23


I am a beginner using the the NUCLEO-F746ZG to drive a 4.3' Newhaven TFT display that has a capacitive touch panel controller.

The parts are shown below:


I was wondering if there is an example test code to see if the connections I made between the display and the nucleo are correct? I made my connections based on pins that can use the LTDC interface as an alternate function.

More info: I wish to pull images from an SD card. Certain pictures will be displayed depending on where the the user presses on the screen.

Thank you for the help!

#tft-lcd #stm32f7 #stm32 #lcd #touch
Posted on June 27, 2017 at 21:57

Good news!Dan

Sent from my Samsung device

Posted on September 08, 2017 at 15:33



Hello ,you work with the screen NHD-4.3-480272EF-ATXL ♯ -CTPI would like to know if you could send the libraries you used or an example!Best regards!

Posted on September 08, 2017 at 16:13

I will presume you are using Windows.

Check out the directory path shown below, and look under repository on your own machine for that kind of path.

I then copied the stm32746G-discovery-lcd modules to my project directory, and went from there.

I had originally expected Cubemx to know about the BSP items, but no such luck.

We actually used NHD-7.0-800480EF-ASXN.

From a hardware point of view, we removed the display from a 746G-discovery, added an interface board

To adapt from the pads on the back of the 746 board to the 40 pin socket needed by the NHD display,

Plugged in the display, and with the right software jiggery-pokery, there we were with a display 800x480

In full colour that is good for daylight operation. What would help your battles?



Attachments : :

image001.png :
Posted on September 08, 2017 at 16:41

Thanks for your help ,

Never use CubeMx, but I will try to configure the screen from there!

the screen still did not get to my house, but I wanted to see examples or libraries.

Since I can not find HX8257 driver libraries!

my idea is to use it with stm32f407vg!

that file that you command oledata.mso with which program I should open it.

excuse my ignorance and my bad english


Posted on September 08, 2017 at 16:55

I don’t know where the .mso file came from, I would not touch it.

The other attachment was the File Explorer output showing the file

Location on my machine. If you want a direct response, use my


Posted on September 08, 2017 at 17:06

Go to

users\yourname\stm32cube\repository\stm32Cube_FW_F7_v1.7.0\Drivers\BSP\STM32746G-Discovery\stm32746g_discovery_lcd <file:///


After reading that, copying it with the right fudges, I could make the 746G-disco machine do what I wanted.

Rather than have too big a jump putting custom hardware in place with untested software, spend the few bucks to buy a 746G-disco,

Get the software in place, and then integrate with your custom designed board.