2022-11-05 12:41 AM
I am facing this issue. always says system can not find specified path. what is this error?
2022-11-06 7:01 PM
Could you share your log file ? You can find it under %appdata%/Romaing/TouchGFX-4.20.0 for example.
Can you also give more detail on the context of how you faced this error ? Are you working with a project generated directly from TouchGFX Designer or did you start a project from STM32CubeMX and then generated a TouchGFX project ? What is your project path ? I want to check if you have any space or unsupported character in the path name. Same for the TouchGFX installation folder. Are you working on Windows 10 or 7 ? What is your base language for Windows (Turkish faced some issues in the past for example due to some unsupported characters so we recommended people to switch to english) ?
2022-11-07 1:01 AM
Hello Romain,
I am Using win11
I am using touchghx generated from cubemx. even if i generate from TouchGFX directly also facing same error.
this is my installation path
this is my project path
2022-11-07 4:20 PM
Can you share your log file ?
Why is your project put in the workspace folder by the way ? Did you manually set the TouchGFX project generation to this folder ? It would be better to have it elsewhere than in the workspace folder, /D/TouchGFX is fine for example.
In addition, when you generate a project from TouchGFX Designer with a TouchGFX Board setup for one of ST's development kit, you will see that the project structure is different: the STM32CubeIDE related files and project are under a STM32CubeIDE folder as you can see in the screenshots below. When starting a project from STM32CubeMX we recommend to uncheck the "Generate Under Root" option to keep this project structure, it will ease your development process.
2022-11-07 6:41 PM
2022-11-07 7:53 PM
Can you try to create a new project from STM32CubeMX or just start a project from TouchGFX Designer (but in another folder than the STM32CubeIDE workspace) ? I want to check if once again you are missing the .aplication.config file that is generated in your project's /TouchGFX folder.
2022-11-07 8:04 PM
2022-11-08 3:27 AM
Hello @Shahrear ,
Could you open TouchGFX Environment, change directory to your project root and run make commands, like on this picture :
Please let me know which output to you get.
2022-11-08 5:45 AM
2022-11-16 6:09 PM
Hello Guys,
Thanks for your support. i have figure out the reason in my case. it was the Chinese language pack with Win11. after i remove it. and reinstall touchGFX it Works Fine