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STM32U5F9 vs. STM32U5G9 for NeochromVG review

Senior III

Hello. Interested to review the vector graphics support on the new STM32U5 series. Found on Mouser / DK website that there is a DK1 with LCD and the STM32U5G9 processor. Unable to locate a proper datasheet on these new devices. These kits are not yet listed on the ST website nor

What is the difference between the STM32U5F9 and the STM32U5G9? Flash memory size?

Interested to deploy the MIPI display with either of the 2 series. What is the max resolution we can apply on MIPI with the above devices?

Are demo / code examples available to demonstrate the vector graphics support with this new DK?

Looking for the lowest cost microcontroller with MIPI & vector graphics support for our new widget design.



Hello @Mon2 ,

The difference between STM32U5F9 and STM32U5G9 is that STM32U5F9 has less cryptographic features, so it would be the cheaper one. However, performance wise (MCU, Ram, Flash) they are identical. 
We will publish a board setup for DK1 in the coming weeks, but if you are short on time, you can take a look at the available board setup for STM32U5G9J-DK2 on TouchGFX.

I hope this helps

Mohammad MORADI
ST Software Developer | TouchGFX

Thank you.

Does the STM32U5G9J-DK2 and the pending STM32U5G9J-DK1 kit support inside of TouchGFX offer the vector graphics features?

Is the vector graphics support natively enabled if using either of these kits?


Thanks again.

Yes, they do. Both will have NeoChrom graphic accelerator which helps a lot with vector renderings. And, this feature is enabled on the STM32U5G9J-DK2 available on TouchGFX. 

STM32U5G9J DK2 Board SetupSTM32U5G9J DK2 Board Setup

You can read more about vector rendering here 

Mohammad MORADI
ST Software Developer | TouchGFX
Senior III

1) The linked article notes that only the IAR toolchain is supported at this time. To confirm, IAR is required to develop with the STM32U5G9J-DK2 kit?


2) The landing page at does not show the STM32U5G9J-DK2 with a LCD. Would you please confirm that the LCD is included in the kit?


3) Based on the ongoing ECCN saga with Digikey for the STM32U5G9J-DK1 kit we ordered last week, we will purchase the STM32U5G9J-DK2 from Mouser later today.


1) No, You can use any other compiler for developing. IAR was the first toolchain to support it, but now you can use IAR, STM32CubeIDE, and MDK-ARM for development.

2) Yes, STM32U5G9J-DK2 has a 800*480px display.

3) Glad to hear, wish you the best on your development :grinning_face:

Mohammad MORADI
ST Software Developer | TouchGFX