2020-02-06 3:46 AM
I am working on STM32L4R9AI-EVAL but the issue is! I am enable touchgfx with STM32CUBEMX version 5.5,and with X-cube TOUCHGFX ....i have configured everything as the tutorial of configuration of those versions ,,,I have compiled it succesfully but after burning on to the kit the LCD itself not switching on but it switching on when i have created project only with touchgfx ...and I think the problem is with the option LTDC...can give the information about how to configure the ltdc and how to make the lcd switchinh on....
thank you in adavance
2020-02-11 6:05 AM
Can you share the project created ? I will try to investigate on my own STM32L4R9AI-EVAL
2020-02-14 2:19 AM
2020-02-21 2:57 AM
Is there any solution