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stm32l4r5 - LTDC FIFO underrun error


Dear All,

We are running a graphical application using LTDC and DSI on a STM32L4R9 discovery board. We refresh the display per portions with the DSI peripheral configured in adapted command mode. 

At the beginning of a portion refresh, we are reconfiguring the windows position and size in the LTDC (only layer 1 is used). The next portion refresh is started after the end of refresh interrupt from DSI.

During some refresh, the LTDC is generating a FIFO under run error. We did several tests with different pixel clocks, always with the same error.

Test conditions:

frame buffer of a portion is in internal RAM

Display size 454 x 454 (RGB888)

HCLK 120 MHz

PCLK1 120 MHz

PCLK2 120 MHz


LTDCCLK tested from 3750 kHz to 15 MHz

How can we know if there is a congestion on the AHB bus which starve the LTDC FIFO? 

How can we troubleshot the LTDC underrun errors?

Is there a way to set some priorities on the internal buses or the LTDC peripheral?

Any idea to workaround this issue?

Thank you,

Best regards, Edo.


Read Checking display compatibility considering the memory bandwidth requirements chapter in AN4861.

The best option is to avoid bus conflicts entirely: keep the display buffer in SRAMx not used by any other busmaster (e.g. in SRAM3), and avoid writing to that SRAM while displaying is active - that includes accesses using DMA2D and GFXMMU too.



Hi Jan, thank you for your suggestions. I will try to reallocate the memories in my system in order to let the display buffer alone in the selected memory.

Stay tuned. Thank you
