2015-06-15 7:33 AM
Dear Forumers,
Can you help me, how to control a 4x18 (com x seg; direck control) costum design LCD?I searched a lot, but i found mostly graphical LCD-s.Maybe an example?Thanks! #segment-lcd #the-stm32l0-series-embeds-the-sa2015-06-15 7:38 AM
Does this custom LCD have a part number or a data sheet/manual?
2015-06-15 7:48 AM
Yes, init is complete.
3.3V; 1/4 duty; 1/3 biaspinmap & segments:xA,xB...xG -- 4x7 segments </colgroup>PIN COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4
S1 Y2 Y3 Y10
2 S2 Y1 Y4 Y9
3 S3 S6 Y5 Y8
4 S4 S5 Y6 Y7
5 X1 1F 1E Y11
6 1A 1G 1D Y12
7 1B 1C Y13
8 X2 2F 2E Y14
9 2A 2G 2D Y15
10 X3 2B 2C Y16
11 COL DP Y17
12 X4 3F 3E Y18
13 3A 3G 3D Y19
14 3B 3C Y20
15 X5 4F 4E Y21
16 4A 4G 4D Y22
17 X6 4B 4C Y23
18 X7 S7 S8 Y24
19 COM1
20 COM2
21 COM3
22 COM4
2015-06-16 11:22 PM
Hi, look at the STM32Cube_FW_L0/Projects/STM32L053R8-Nucleo/Examples/LCD, there is an example how to control segment LCD. In my case of large segment LCD (about 180 segments) I used LCD driver PCF85176. It´s control by I2C
2015-06-17 12:16 AM
Thanks for the reply, but i want to use a naked LCD without an external driver.
2015-06-17 1:21 AM
According to AN4654, ''L1->L0 migration'':
The STM32L0 series embeds the same LCD peripheral like in the STM32L1 series but there was extended number of segments.Thus, you should be able to use whatever is available for 'L1. They are also pin-compatible. What I'd do is that I'd buy an L1-DISCO (it contains an LCD) and exchange the chip and play. JW