2020-10-08 04:17 AM
My reading reference manual it seemed possible at first. I've set back/front porches and sync values in IDE, but it seems I can't anywhere set refresh rate/pixel time. Does this mean that it can't be done?
2020-10-08 04:25 AM
You should definitely be able to set a pixel clock, and that along with the screen geometry (horizontal and vertical totals) dictate the refresh rate.
The LCD CLOCK should come off one of the PLLs as I recall, and gets divided down from there.
2020-10-08 04:33 AM
Yes, I was looking for that clock but couldn't find it. Since VGA clocks have 0.5%tolerance, I was thinking about using an external CMOS. Still, can't find any LTDC clock settings in Cube IDE. Where is it?
2020-10-08 05:10 AM
I don't use CubeWTF you'll need to read the instructions on the tin, or peck randomly. The Reference Manual should block diagram the LTDC and clock trees.
* @brief LCD Configuration.
* @note This function Configure tha LTDC peripheral :
* 1) Configure the Pixel Clock for the LCD
* 2) Configure the LTDC Timing and Polarity
* 3) Configure the LTDC Layer 1 :
* - indirect color (L8) as pixel format
* - The frame buffer is located at FLASH memory
* - The Layer size configuration : 320x240
* 4) Configure the LTDC Layer 2 :
* - The frame buffer is located at FLASH memory
* - The Layer size configuration : 320x240
* 5) Load 256 colors in CLUT address for Layer 1
* @retval
* None
static void LCD_Config(void)
RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef periph_clk_init_struct;
LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef pLayerCfg;
LTDC_LayerCfgTypeDef pLayerCfg1;
/* LTDC Initialization -------------------------------------------------------*/
/*## LTDC Clock Configuration ###########################################*/
/* RK043FN48H LCD clock configuration */
/* LCD clock configuration */
/* PLL3_VCO Input = HSE_VALUE/PLL3M = 5 Mhz */
/* PLL3_VCO Output = PLL3_VCO Input * PLL3N = 800 Mhz */
/* PLLLCDCLK = PLL3_VCO Output/PLL3R = 800/83 = 9.63 Mhz */
/* LTDC clock frequency = PLLLCDCLK = 9.63 Mhz */
periph_clk_init_struct.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_LTDC;
periph_clk_init_struct.PLL3.PLL3M = 5;
periph_clk_init_struct.PLL3.PLL3N = 160;
periph_clk_init_struct.PLL3.PLL3FRACN = 0;
periph_clk_init_struct.PLL3.PLL3P = 2;
periph_clk_init_struct.PLL3.PLL3Q = 2;
periph_clk_init_struct.PLL3.PLL3R = 83;
/* LTDC Initialization -------------------------------------------------------*/
/* DeInit */
/* Polarity configuration */
/* Initialize the horizontal synchronization polarity as active low */
LtdcHandle.Init.HSPolarity = LTDC_HSPOLARITY_AL;
/* Initialize the vertical synchronization polarity as active low */
LtdcHandle.Init.VSPolarity = LTDC_VSPOLARITY_AL;
/* Initialize the data enable polarity as active low */
LtdcHandle.Init.DEPolarity = LTDC_DEPOLARITY_AL;
/* Initialize the pixel clock polarity as input pixel clock */
LtdcHandle.Init.PCPolarity = LTDC_PCPOLARITY_IPC;
/* Timing configuration */
/* The LCD AMPIRE 640x480 is selected */
/* Timing configuration */
LtdcHandle.Init.HorizontalSync = (RK043FN48H_HSYNC - 1);
LtdcHandle.Init.VerticalSync = (RK043FN48H_VSYNC - 1);
LtdcHandle.Init.AccumulatedHBP = (RK043FN48H_HSYNC + RK043FN48H_HBP - 1);
LtdcHandle.Init.AccumulatedVBP = (RK043FN48H_VSYNC + RK043FN48H_VBP - 1);
LtdcHandle.Init.AccumulatedActiveH = (RK043FN48H_HEIGHT + RK043FN48H_VSYNC + RK043FN48H_VBP - 1);
LtdcHandle.Init.AccumulatedActiveW = (RK043FN48H_WIDTH + RK043FN48H_HSYNC + RK043FN48H_HBP - 1);
LtdcHandle.Init.TotalHeigh = (RK043FN48H_HEIGHT + RK043FN48H_VSYNC + RK043FN48H_VBP + RK043FN48H_VFP - 1);
LtdcHandle.Init.TotalWidth = (RK043FN48H_WIDTH + RK043FN48H_HSYNC + RK043FN48H_HBP + RK043FN48H_HFP - 1);
2020-10-08 06:24 AM
I've found the frequency setting for PLL3/LTDC in Clock Configuration settings of Cube IDE. Thanks for your help.