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STM32F769I Discovery + TouchGFX 4.13 weird graphics issue

Associate II


ALL TouchGFX examples and demos from TouchGFX Designer 4.13 templates have this graphics issue. The issue is quite randomic. For example, I compile, build and flash the demo, it runs ok, but after I un-plug and plug again the board it looks like the following. But not always, about twice on 3-4 attempts. Sometimes it starts ok. Pressing reset button sometimes helps and sometimes not. Please help. I'd like to use TouchGFX for our project, it is a very impressive product, but this strange issue is blocking. Thank you.

P.S. That's not a HW problem, other LTDC demos, including emWin, work just fine.


Chief III


When you say "ALL TouchGFX Examples..." Do you mean running on the same board? E.g. it may be a board configuration issue. The applications themselves don't know how to exhibit this behavior, but hardware does.

I'll look into it.


Chief III

That's to say - The application template may have an issue. It's not an issue that relates to the TouchGFX Framework/Engine per se. What hardware are you going to run your project on?


Chief III

I've confirmed the issue with the F769-DISCO template. Thanks.

Hi Martin, thank you for reply. Well, when I say "ALL TouchGFX Examples" I mean all templates that TouchGFX Designer provides for STM32F769I-DiSCO board. I select a template and generate the code. After that I do Run on Target and the described issue appears. I do not create any custom project yet, I'm just trying to get working the demo templates from TouchGFX Designer. Well, I also tried to import and build a project from STM32CubeIDE with the same result, since it uses the same .ioc board configuration and the same initialization code from the templates. Yes, I understand that this is timings or configuration issue, but it comes from TouchGFX code, not from mine. So my question is, did you guys see this behaviour and if not, I'd like to notify it to you.

And I repeat, this is not a particular hardware issue since other graphics libs run just fine on the same board.

Martin, thank you very much. I hope you will find a fix for this issue asap. Indeed it will be available within the next version, but may I ask you to let me know the solution sooner (perhaps it is just a wrong clocking settings or any other stupid bug) because I have to start my project asap and TouchGFX is the really best product to do it with.

The application template may have an issue, indeed. But since we, developers, have to take the code from these templates for our custom projects, the same issue will have our custom projects. TouchGFX Framework/Engine requires the board has to be configured in a certain mode, ok, but we cannot guess the correct settings in order to get it work, right? =)

We can release application template updates independently of the TouchGFX version, so if this is a quick fix then it will not take long to upload


Wow, great! Could you please notify me (and others) somehow? Thank you once again!

@Martin KJELDSEN​ 

I'm having the same issue, glad to hear you identified the bug.

Is there something we can do to fix it ourselves in the meantime, or do we just have to wait for the new application template? I have a deadline of Thursday with my project and would love to just be able to patch something to fix this issue before I have to ship.