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STM32F746igt using touch gfx with quadspi w25q128 custom board

Associate III

I'm having trouble running stm32f746igt processor with quadsb w25q128 external memory using touchgfx

Note when using touchgfx using internal memory, it works fine

Also included in the function is osKernelStart(); And it does not come out of it

Picture showing the problem



Debug why osKernelStart() fails.

Memory it's using, data it's copying..

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I don't know I'm going crazy because of this prossesor and memory and touchgfx

It's hard to debug remotely with no details or specifics about what exactly is failing, or where it's stopping/stuck.

Is it in the HardFault_Handler() or Error_Handler() ?

Is it stuck in a while() loop somewhere?

Describing symptoms only gets you so far, you need to drill down to isolate specific causes

You should probably tag the post as TouchGFX and engage with the engineers responsible for that product to get better diagnostics and integrity checking.

#TouchGFX @Romain DIELEMAN​ 

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