2018-12-10 9:37 AM
Hi. The integration between TouchGFX and CubeMX 5.0 is quite complex. Recent attempt of a combo project is able to compile without errors on IAR but the GUI generated with TouchGFX results in a blank TFT display on this kit. Guessing something to do with the LCD display and will attempt to debug.
CubeMX is complaining about the Platform Settings so is the issue with the SPI_PIN?
Further to the 3 templates posted on this topic:
can someone post a similar solution for the STM32F429 DISC1 target?
There are many variables that can derail a working solution.
2019-02-09 10:55 AM
Hello again @SebastianS. Do not have the same kit in front of me but did a dry run of the toolchain using IAR as the compiler. If you plan to use a different compiler, write back. As far as we know, only the IAR and SW4STM32 compilers work as of this writing with CubeMX and TouchGFX integration.
This effort with the IAR compiler resulted in only 7 raised errors which is much much better than the hundreds of compilation errors faced with the STM32F429i-DISC1 kit and consumed almost a solid month of debugging to fix. Anyways, believe that I have this target working but cannot validate for sure. Can you download and reflash your target kit using the pre-compiled .hex file and post your results? Does the LCD display offer the graphic screen shown in this post?
1) Download this full project from (temp link for a week from now but if it works, will host on our company server as a permanent link):
2) Extract this project inside of your c:\TouchGFXProjects folder.
3) Locate the .hex file (pre-compiled already) and flash onto your target kit. This .hex file is located inside:
4) What do you see on your kit?
If this works, you should be ok to continue to use the same project to modify to suit your needs. Do see that the simulator is raising some quirk with the gcc compiler but not sure of the fault and Martin or another developer from ST / Draupner will need to jump in.
Please post your results, regardless of the outcome. Pending a possible trip to the grocery store, will try to document the steps taken to get here, if this works for you. At this time, the touch screen is not used in this project. We can continue this on the next iteration of the demo.
2019-02-10 2:21 AM
Thank you for your amazing reply. Sadly the screen stays black after flashing your .hex via ST-LINK. All LED's light up
Just as a little background info. I am developing a display for a Formula Student electric car. The Information will be received via CAN, we usually use the ARM Keil toolchain.
2019-02-10 6:28 AM
@SebastianS , sounds like a very interesting project. Personally on the market for an electric car but here in Canada in the last 2 weeks we experienced the joy of the Polar Vortex and faced -30 to -50 degrees C temps. The electric vehicles on the market lost an estimated 40% of their efficiency due to the cold temps. If using heat inside the car, even more. Battery tech needs more attention and will hopefully improve. Tesla was on my radar but with the massive layoffs, not so sure anymore.
On this LCD trial :\ Will review some low level details and post back. Tomorrow, should be able to test on the actual kit as am pretty sure I saw it in the conference room.
Also, Draupner (now ST Company) who developed TouchGFX had an article on this kit but the URL is now broken. Let me ping good ole Martin to restore the link.
Google the following topic and the search will lead to a broken link that would be very helpful for this case:
Get Started with TouchGFX on STM32F469/79 - TouchGFX
More later...
2019-04-17 11:57 AM
Hey Mon,
have you by any chance made progress with the project? I had it on hold for the last months and am about to resume this further.
Thank You,
2019-04-17 2:01 PM
2019-04-17 2:04 PM
2019-04-29 6:08 AM