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STM32 LTDC TouchGFX GUI Glitching

Associate II

What could be the cause of this glitch on my LCD-TFT screen? My system includes an F429 MCU, an SDRAM, and a 24-bit LCD panel. The interface was designed with TouchGFX, and the circuit board was designed by me.



Chief III

Try add some real gui elements. Here you have no info relevant. Debug faults...

Or for example use two screens and setup delay and transition screen 1 to 2 and back....

Maybe this video could provide more informative details about the situation.

ST Employee

Hello @Trampler ,


I do not see the issue on the first video.


Which version of software are you using? The latest ones?

We should try to isolate the issue.
Are you able to properly fill the screen without using TouchGFX (just whatever screen controller you use)?
Do you place your framebuffer in SDRAM? If so, can you check that you can properly load and read your SDRAM?
Anything else that you think is relevant because it will be hard to help you on hardware related issues since you are the only one who have it.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

Hello @Trampler ,


Have you been able to move forward on fixing your issue?



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)