2014-06-01 12:49 PM
Hi All,
We are using STM32F429 Controller with LS013B7DH03 Monochrome LCD. As per document STemWin5.pdf :30.1.4 Available, but not yet migrated drivers GUIDRV_Mem - No controller, writes into main memory Requires ISR or special hardware to refresh LCD (monochrome displays) So It seems our LCD should fit into category of GUIDRV_Mem. and So as per document it seems this drivers are not supported in current version of stemwin STemWinLibrary522. So is there any new version available of stemwin which supports GUIDRV_Mem ? As we are using MDK-Middleware Version 5.1.4 for Keil. It has example LCDConf.c under Sample\LCDConf for different displays. So any sample config file LCDConf.c available which demonstrates using GUIDRV_Mem ? Please help us on this. -Vismay #stemwin-stm32f429 #stemwin #stm32f429discovery2015-01-16 10:03 PM
Hi All,
Somehow, I managed to run GUI Driver with GUIDRV_Lin_1 after lots of effort. GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(GUIDRV_LIN_1, GUICC_1, 0, 0); LCD_SetSizeEx (0, 144, 128); LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, 144, 128); Width = 144 = 128 bit for pixels + 8 bits idle + 8 bits Next Line No. unsigned short int frameBuffer[1152]; //9 - half words per line , 128 such lines //Passing framebuffer address to GUI driver to fill drawn image/window. LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(0, (void *)frameBuffer); //To Transfer image from memory to display LCD_update() { int i,j; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)frameBuffer; LCD_CS_HIGH(); for(i=0;i<=100;i++); lineno = 1; LCD_SendByte(MLCD_WR); LCD_SendByte(lineno); for ( i=1; i<=128; i++ ) { /* Send pixels for this line */ for ( j=0; j<18; j++ ) { LCD_SendByte(*p); p++; } } for(i=0;i<=100;i++); LCD_CS_LOW(); } So whenever i have drawn the image using GUI Driver like calling GUI_DrawBitmap(); I call LCD_Update() function to transfer image to display. Is there any way to attach/glue LCD_Update function to GUI Driver so that whenever i call GUI_Exec() it calls LCD_Update when painting is done in memory. ST People, please help on this as i am stuck up with this issue.2015-03-30 10:12 AM
Hi shah.vismay,
The GUIDRV_Mem display driver is not supported by STemWin library.Only LIN and FLEX drivers are supported.BTW, you can adapt and use the ''GUIDRV_Template.c'' provided with the STemWin library.Best regards,Heisenberg.2015-10-06 7:55 AM
Perhaps this thread is too old to dig up, but I'm a bit confused as to whether there is a driver available for a controller-less LCD, or if I have to start with the driver template file. The LCD that I'm using is attached. (never mind, couldn't get attachment to work).
It's a color LCD, being used in 16 bit RGB sync mode. The frame buffer is in external SRAM.I think I have the LCD timings and configuration correct. When I try to use STemWin to print some text on the screen it just shows up as a bunch of scrambled pixels. The color is good, the location is good. I think the driver may be incorrect; I've tried all variants of the GUIDRV_LIN_16 drivers.