2022-01-07 11:54 PM
Hello Everyone
I am trying to use STemWin with STM32CubeIDE, but facing a lot of problems.
I have STM32F769I Discovery Board with me, and I have downloaded the CubeF7 package which already has few examples related to STemWin, I took the simple example of HelloWorld available as "STemWin_HelloWorld" in the CubeF7 Package.
It works fine, but I am facing two issues.
The following is the program without delay i.e. GUI_Delay and it works if I program and don't do single step debugging.
void MainTask(void) {
GUI_DispString("Hello World from STM32F7\r\n");
GUI_DispStringAt("Hello world!", (LCD_GetXSize()-100)/2, (LCD_GetYSize()-20)/2);
But when I updated the above program by adding a simple delay of 1 second, it stops displaying the second Hello World message after GUI_Delay.
void MainTask(void) {
GUI_DispString("Hello World from STM32F7\r\n");
GUI_DispStringAt("Hello world!", (LCD_GetXSize()-100)/2, (LCD_GetYSize()-20)/2);
Also GUI_Delay is not blocking I can see my control reaching while(1) as shown in the below image.
Since this is an example project and I am using demo board from ST, my expectation would be that this should work out of the box.
Can someone please support me with this?
2022-01-10 3:58 AM
Can you please help here?
I am using CubeF7 MCU package example project (not any custom project), and it is not working as intended.
Can you please support here?
Thanks in advance
2022-02-04 6:44 AM
Hello @xpress_embedo ,
I suggest to keep all comments regarding this issue on this discussion: Help Needed in Building a Simple Project with STemWin and STM32CubeIDE