2017-07-21 7:28 AM
I'd like to know what are the possible reasons to the processor get stucked inside the GUI_Exec function?
The LCD start to show some some drawings but than suddenly, the SPI activity stops and even the SysTick_Handler stops to be called. The processor keep on running into an infinity loop, passing througth some STemWin functions that can only be seen by the disassembly window, once the library is in binary code.
Once it h?s started to draw the buttons, I guess that this is not a hardware problem, but I'll acept any suggestion.
#stemwin-ili9341 #gui_exec #stemwin-ili9341-spi #stemwin2017-07-21 8:05 AM
At your project you use , check your RTOS settings especialy about thread stack sizes.
Be sure that Systick is not used also by the HAL (because is used by default from RTOS)
2017-07-21 10:12 AM
Hello again!
Write more about your project.
Emwin is mature enough to have some kind of bug.
The function you mention is to execute background jobs.
Called regularly from a callback from some timer (almost allways systick).
Inside in this execution loop, must not be put any Delay function or other function using the same timer(will block)
Do you use a standard example? or you make your own 'Paint' functions?' Paint' functions called by guy_exec functions.
In case your paint functions are ckecked and functional try to increase the stack generously in your startup module.
2017-07-21 10:42 AM
Thank's for the reply.
I'm not using any RTOS.
2017-07-21 12:05 GMT-03:00 Vangelis Fortounas <,
STMicroelectronics Community
Re: stemwin gui_exec problem
reply from Vangelis Fortounas
in STM32 MCUs Forum - View the full discussion
2017-07-21 1:21 PM
Vangelis, thank you very much!!
The GUI_exec was being called at TM_EMWIN_UpdateTouch, by a weak
function inside the SysTick_Handler. I've removed and it got to work!!
Thank you.
2017-07-21 14:13 GMT-03:00 Vangelis Fortounas <,
STMicroelectronics Community
Re: stemwin gui_exec problem
reply from Vangelis Fortounas
in STM32 MCUs Forum - View the full discussion
2018-08-15 1:31 AM
Hello, Could you please share the source code ?
I need an SPI Driver for ILI9341