2020-12-25 10:31 AM
Hello dear friends,
The problem I have encountered is that updating the digital clock takes too much time. So I can see that some time updating takes up to 3 seconds, it is wonderful that other widgets don't stop and do their work.
I didn't understand what is really the source of the problem.
I use HAL for reading RTC, using the digital clock widget.
Touchgfx version: 4.15 (Didn't dare to upgrade to 4.16)
RTOS: Not yet used. (Planed for next times)
UC: STM32f429IGT6
USB: CDC Enabled
Compiler: Keil V5.32
Any help would be appreciated.
2020-12-26 3:51 AM
I just did a quick test with the digital clock widget. No problems updating as fast as I want.
Do you remember to call the 'invalidate' method right after you update the time? that could be a reason you don't see changes.
I tried this
void MainView::handleTickEvent()
digitalClock1.setTime24Hour(12, 12, seconds);
This works just as expeced with the seconds running really fast upwards.
A not though - this was on the simulator but I think the performance would be similar to what you can expect on HW.
2020-12-26 8:32 AM
Simulator USE X64 architecture, not ARM M4 architecture
2020-12-27 9:58 AM
Try show your fail working code instead of architecture advice...