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Resource text colours in TouchGFX V4.18.

Associate II

I have previously used V4.12 for projects and have been able to set Resouce Text to any colour. After upgrading to V4.18 the text colours can be set in Designer but on the target they seem to be limited to the primary colours and their combinations (three colour bits per pixel). How to I get the full range of RGB565 colours to be used with resource text on 4.18? I tried 4.18.1 and it made no difference. I am using the IAR IDE.

Associate II

Thank you for your response. Hopefully it will help others in the future!


I was wondering if you had regenerated code from STM32CubeMX after updating to TouchGFX 4.18.1 ? I remember facing some color issues as well in the past where regenerating code from CubeMX with the latest Firmware packs fixed the issue.


Hello @Water123​ 

To fix the issue, please use the STM32F429I Discovery Revision D01 TBS.

The problem does not occur on that TBS.

The standard/old STM32F429I Discovery TBS is not maintained anymore so you should avoid using it and instead work with the Revision D01 TBS.


Associate II

Thanks, will do.