2021-10-21 12:49 AM
Hi. everyone. I tried connect 8 bit display (ili9341) to nucleo STM32H743ZI2 board. I used to 8bit LCD interface FMC for it, but image didn't appears. I connected this display to stm32f407 and l4 series without problem. And I'm sure that my driver is correct.
2021-10-21 1:36 AM
Would you detail about the connection between your LCD and FMC interface on NUCLEO-H743ZI? for me the FMC is not supported by default on Zio connector?
2021-10-21 11:15 PM
Let me explain problem more detail. I have the display from Arduino shild like i show on picture. I configurate FMC in STMCubeMX for work with LCD 8 bit . I connect all the wires as CubeMX show me and set needed timings. But for exsample. I want to fill the display with a different color, nothing happens. P.C. I tested my driver on another board and in theory I had to change only address FMC (i use ADDRESS_COMMAND (0x60'00'00'00) ADDRESS_DATA (0x60'00'80'00) )
2021-10-22 12:13 AM
Understood. Did you read LCD controller ID before writing display data to GRAM in LCD controller? it could be a way to check if any issue in HW connectivity point of view or if any FMC bus timing mismatch between MCU and LCD. The FMC bus monitoring by a oscilloscope may be needed to understand the root cause.