2023-07-22 7:08 AM - edited 2023-07-22 7:15 AM
I use Nucleo-G431RB, GFX01M2, and after generating the stldr file by myself, when I want to debug my Touchgfx project, the following error occurs:
File download complete
Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:03.216
Error: Failed to read memory at address 0x90000000 during verification
Error: Download verification failed
Encountered Error when opening C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.12.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.win32_2.0.600.202301161003\tools\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe
Error in STM32CubeProgrammer
Shutting down...
This is my customized G431RB MX25L6433F stldr project code:
What part did I miss? But when I read MX25L6433F through STM32CubeProgrammer, some data has already been written.
2023-07-22 8:59 AM
Not looking to spend hours walking and debugging code.
Strongly suggest you test and debug code as part of an application so you know all the functions work correctly and that you can read, write and erase the flash memory. Instrument code, use the serial port, and debug functionality.
2023-07-22 10:13 AM
Sorry, I'm new to external memory and new to touchgfx. My stldr project is run according to the sample code, this webside.
I had tried to debug stldr project, but it program to the ram area. It's a new field for me, I also try to debug, use breakpoints but can't run. I'm also not sure if my Touchgfx project is setup wrong, or something wrong with the stldr file. Could you provide me with relevant references, or give me some clues. Thanks.