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Nucleo-f767zi and x-nucleo-GFX02zi TouchGFXDesigner

Associate III



now I followed the recommended Instruction.

In Webinar two an example show to hide an image.


I create a new project, choose a my Board, not available => choose Nucleo-h636Zi + fgx02zi. 

Followed the intructions on the Webinar 2 and run the simulator. fine., => "Program and Run on Target"


The Code compliled well without error and the update to my stm works without errors. 

But nothing happened on the Screen. 

I think because the Hardware Nucleo-h636Zi => Nucleo-F767Zi does not fit. 

Does someone have an idea to get some content to my Display?






Chief II

Ofcorse many have many ideas... Maybe try check is your code ready to work with hw?

Display reset, init , backlight pins...

ST Employee

Hello @Carsten73 ,


Which board did you say you choose? h363? I do not find it.
Furthermore, I cannot find any board named h636 online.


If a design works well on simulator but not on your board, it is usually because you have not properly configured your board + screen.


To get some content on your display, you need to properly configure your board + display.
We have documentation about that : TouchGFX board bring up 

The first step is to try to get a full red screen by setting all the pixels of your screen to red by using (for example) the LTDC to control your screen, you could try to start by that.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)
ST Employee

I guess this thread is irrelevant now since you went for Nucleo-f767 + ILI9341.

The documentation link is still relevant and you should still first try getting a full solid colored screen.

Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

I will try next week.


Thanks a lot

Which driver do you use?

Bodmer's TFT_eSPI library?
He has special mentions for H767 so it seems special work have been done for that board.

Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

Hello @Carsten73 ,


Have you been able to move forward with your project?

If one of the previous comment helped you solve your issue, I invite you to select it as "best answer".

If you are still encountering problems, I invite you to give us more information so we can help you.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)



sorry. Yes of course. 


I followed the Youtube example from ControllersTech and I use the Library from them too.

This works well for the moment and I got a Touch Display running. My Display is not a nice one and the touch is not working very well but it helps for the moment. 

I have to spent much more time for a bigger and much better Touch Display. 





ST Employee

Glad to hear that!

If you want a better screen on a development board, have a look at
You will have to buy the Nucleo board separately (ex: on Digikey) and you will have a great screen with an already existing TBS.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)
Associate III



Can you recommend a bigger one? 7" or 8" ?


