2022-09-14 2:21 AM
Now, we can get current consumption on the LCD display. However, when we connect the board with PC via 5 different Micro USB cables with STM32CubeMonPwr software (in two different PC with windows 10 system). Both 2 PC cannot SELECT BOARD in STM32CubeMonPwr software. So we cannot show the power data on PC. All the board hardware connections are follow the ‘GETTING STARTED’ from menu. (connect a target board suing basic connectors)
Since we changed 2 PC with 5 different cables, the results are still cannot SELECT BOARD. Can we said the fault is not relate to PC & cable? And could you get me any advice for connecting ST board with PC?
2022-09-23 12:39 AM
Until now, all issues regarding PC that can't not connect to board are relatedt to driver issue.
Then, we recommand to unisntall current ST Link Drivers and re-install it.
Latest drivers can be found at https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-link009.html
2022-09-27 8:59 AM
Hi @JZhon.1 ,
As said @PDEFO.1 , it is probably a driver issue on PC side.
To be more specific:
The driver to install is STM32 Virtual COM Port Driver (reference code: STSW-STM32102).
It is available here:
Best regards