2021-04-15 9:32 AM
If I alternate a text between displaying a pair of floating point numbers, e.g. 10.0005 and 5.0000, very briefly these are drawn incorrectly as 10.0000 and 5.0005, before the correct value is drawn. There seems to be a lag between the first and last character updated.
This is using snprintf() to update a char array from the float, then Unicode::strncpy() to update the text buffer from the char array, finally invalidating the text.
2021-04-16 6:15 AM
Do you also experience this issue with the simulator or only on your hardware ? Are you working with a custom board or a ST development kit ? If you are working with a ST kit, are you using the corresponding application template available in TouchGFX Designer ?
Could you maybe share your project so that we cam try to replicate this issue ?
2021-04-16 7:09 AM
Only on my hardware, which is custom. The simulator is fine, which presumably rules out any issues in the TouchGFX framework. I'll continue investigating my application code, as this doesn't sound like it is a known issue. Thanks.