2019-11-17 11:43 AM
i am trying to use LCD16X2 with nucleo32-l053r8 USING CUBEMX/KEIL5,
CAN ANYONE HELP OR HAVE THE lcd library for it ?
2019-11-17 9:29 PM
I've made about 12 years ago the C driver for the NHD-C0216CZ-FSW-FBW-3V3 for STM8 (8 bit) then ported simply over to STM32.
When there will be offered a means to repo for contributor code snippets, will be able to share.
2019-11-18 12:48 AM
what do you mean ? when can you share this driver ?
2020-08-04 10:30 AM
Did you get an answer to this?
I am currently looking at using this same display (NHD-C0216CZ-FSW-FBW-3V3) and found a file (sorry can't determine a direct link with this forum system) called "LCD_16x2.c" which might be what the contributor with the name "." was referring to? The author is listed as "KIC8462852 EPIC204278916", so are we left to assume this is the same person? If you did look at this, what did you do for the include of "brisk.h"? I can't find anything useful about that header file.
I will message them privately and see where I get.