2022-09-18 9:56 AM
I have setting a button with it's interaction
When I touch the button is detected (the picture of it changes) but the interaction of the button (calling function) not works
I tested in keil and stm32cubeide but the problem doesn't solved
can everybody help me?
I write in virtual function in screenViewBase.hpp file
2022-09-19 8:23 AM
From this duplicate seems your touch work,
but you cant place code in Base.hpp or any other file in generated folders.
This file is overwrited on every new generation ...
2022-09-20 1:23 AM
Hello @Community member ,
Does this post concern the same issue as this other one you already created ?
If yes, please let me know, so I can close it and keep helping you on the other post.
2022-09-20 2:14 AM
@Yoann KLEIN
thank you if you help us as soon as possible.