2019-10-21 1:48 AM
Dears, I'm a newbie to the stm32 & touchgfx.
Is there anyone who has experienced in initializing environment with cubemx & STM32H743?
I couldn't find any graphics options for STM32H series at the cubemx 5.4.0 and any reference in this site. Any help would be really appreciated!
2019-10-21 2:05 AM
Hi, there's no H7 support for TouchgFX in CubeMX currently. You can base your applications on the H743 template we have available from the TouchGFX designer. Try it out.
2019-10-21 2:23 AM
Dear Martine,
thank you so much for your so quick response!
2019-10-21 2:36 AM
Dear Martine,
I'm sorry I can't understand the workflow well. Could you please explain detailed steps to utilize generated code from the TouchGFX designer?
2019-10-21 4:44 AM
No problem! Just go into the designer and create a new application. You'll have the option to select an "Application template" which represents the board and a "UI template" which can be blank or you can load one of the examples/demos we have available.
From application templates you'll be able to choose H743-EVAL. Let me know.
2019-10-22 12:10 AM
Dear Martin,
Thank you for your detailed explanation.
I could utilize template BSP/HAL source tree from the designer.
The source tree looks slightly different from that of "STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.5.0".
I expect it will work nicely!
2019-10-22 2:50 AM
No problem, Luke. Generally we don't update the CubeFW for our ATs if it's not really necessary for that board. With improving CubeMX generation i suspect all our Application templates will be updated to always have the new CubeFW because we can generate them from within.
2019-10-22 7:25 PM
Dear Martin,
Thank you for your information.
Does the ST have any plan to support touchgfx option for the cubemx H7 series?
Thanks a lot!