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I'm trying to integrate touchgfx 4.10.0 to the STM32H743 based board.

Associate II

Dears, I'm a newbie to the stm32 & touchgfx.

Is there anyone who has experienced in initializing environment with cubemx & STM32H743?

I couldn't find any graphics options for STM32H series at the cubemx 5.4.0 and any reference in this site. Any help would be really appreciated!

Chief III

Hi, there's no H7 support for TouchgFX in CubeMX currently. You can base your applications on the H743 template we have available from the TouchGFX designer. Try it out.


Associate II

Dear Martine,

thank you so much for your so quick response!

Associate II

Dear Martine,

I'm sorry I can't understand the workflow well. Could you please explain detailed steps to utilize generated code from the TouchGFX designer?

Chief III


No problem! Just go into the designer and create a new application. You'll have the option to select an "Application template" which represents the board and a "UI template" which can be blank or you can load one of the examples/demos we have available.

From application templates you'll be able to choose H743-EVAL. Let me know.


Dear Martin,

Thank you for your detailed explanation.

I could utilize template BSP/HAL source tree from the designer.

The source tree looks slightly different from that of "STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.5.0".

I expect it will work nicely!



No problem, Luke. Generally we don't update the CubeFW for our ATs if it's not really necessary for that board. With improving CubeMX generation i suspect all our Application templates will be updated to always have the new CubeFW because we can generate them from within.


Associate II

Dear Martin,

Thank you for your information.

Does the ST have any plan to support touchgfx option for the cubemx H7 series?

Thanks a lot!