2021-06-15 3:18 AM
I have stm32f769 discovery board and i want to use it's LCD. at first i choose stm32f769i discovery kit in touchgfx: application template. i design my user interface and generate code. when i press Run Target, the lcd of my board is programmed and works well. now i want to add some peripheral to my project. like uart, interrupt and ... .because of this i need to open the project in keil. i open the keil project that touchgfx has made. but i can't build it.
when i want to build project i get some errors like in the picture. what should i do?
thans for your help
2021-06-15 7:17 AM
Just to be sure, did you change the toolchain to MDK-Arm in STM32CubeMX and regenerate code from STM32CubeMX and then from TouchGFX Designer ?
2021-06-17 12:38 AM
hello. sorry. i didn't undestand you. you mean after generate code from touchgfx, i should open cubemx file ( .ioc file that touchgfx made it) and regenerate code from stm32cubemx for mdk-arm and after that regenerate again from touchgfx designer?
you mean this flow graph?
design UI with Touchgfx >> generate code with touchgfx >> open cubemx file ( .ioc file that touchgfx made it) >> regenerate code from cubemx for mdk-arm >> regenerate again with touchgfx
thank you
2021-06-17 1:07 AM
Yes this is what I meant. Without this step you will not be able to run a project started from an application template with another toolchain than STM32CubeIDE as explained in the link I shared.
2021-06-26 11:40 PM
Hi dear Romain,
i couldn't fix the problem with keil. so i changed my IDE to cubeIDE.
i don't get any error but still i have problem.
im using stm32f769 DISCO board. at first i build my project with touchgfx generator. i use Run Target from touchgfx and program my board. it works!
after that i use cubeIDE >> build project >> program, but my lcd is black!
i don't know what to do. thanks for your help