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I added three TouchArea parts in a container and added this container to a Screen. However, touchArea3 does not execute. Why?

Associate II


Chief III


Difficult to say. You could try sending me the project. Is the touch-area where you think it is? e.g. are you clicking the right area? I'm assuming it's invisible.


Hi Martin, glad to hear from you!

Sorry, the project is not convenient to provide source code.

The target device's display screen is 400*400, so the TouchArea parts are correctly placed, and the coordinates of the TP can be printed by serial ports.

Only click touchArea3 does not enter the callback, other normal.

touchArea3 does not call touchArea3. SetVisible (false);

I am very distressed!!

Could you try simple things like reordering your touch areas (Add them in a different order) and Moving them to other areas on the screen-.


I'm not sure what your problem is here. I've just created the same application as you with three touch areas in the exact same place and i'm having no problem hitting each touch area in the handler.


The only thing that looks weird is that you said you've added these to a container (doesn't look like it from your code, though) - Is this container large enough to "show" all touch areas? If the container is not large enough then you may be cutting off the last touch area,. You should be able to see this if you swap toucharea 1 and 3, for instance.

Just a thought.


Thank you.

I changed the implementation and did not use callbacks. I think it was probably because I added too many containers to a screen and each container had multiple callbacks.

Okay, so it's working for you now?


Yes,it's working now! Thank you so much :))

Great! :)