2019-10-29 2:34 AM
I'm using STM32F769I-DISCOVERY + B-LCDAD-HDMI1 + 7' HDMI LCD (800x480) + TouchGFX(4.10.0).
I used the TouchGFX designer(4.10.0) to select the STM32F769I DISCOVERY KIT and created the demo project.
For use 7'LCD I added adv7533.c and USE_LCD_HDMI definition symbol to the project.
In "Init" function of LCD, I set Red, Green and Blue background color.
After compile code in IAR and upload that in board, the background color is set but widgets of touchgfx project don't show!
Please help me.
2019-10-31 6:22 AM
I think i need more information to go on - TouchGFX is driven by an external event, a tick driver so to speak. It usually comes from a sync signal from the display. Is this something you're handling at all? This is essential for TouchGFX ports to specific hardware. It sounds to me like you've used "non-touchgfx" to cofigure the display and show some colors but TouchGFX is not running at all (because it's not being driven by the external signals from the display - Like VSYNC).
2019-11-01 8:05 AM
Thanks for your ansewer.
Yes, That's right. I did run code in debug mode and I did see that the functions of touchgfx doesn't run !
How can I adjust these settings?
2019-11-04 1:35 AM
You need to catch some signal from the display - Are you able to do get that? Worst case, for ports, we end up having to use a hardware timer to drive the touchgfx tick.
2019-11-14 11:06 PM
I realized that the "video mode" in DSI should be used.
Can you help me how to setup this mode in TouchGFX? Is there a template that uses this DSI mode in TouchGFX?
2019-11-15 1:18 AM
There's no example. We always use adapted command mode. But you could simply try using the standard F7 HAL instead of using the F7HAL_DSI one which sets up the next transfer in the TE interrupt handler.
2020-09-17 12:05 AM
Currently I am facing the same problem on indentical configuration, but with other graphical framework. My idea is to use basic timer to trigger it. I know it will be working somehow, but it seems to me like a kind of hack, not a proper solution. Is there any other possibility to get sync interrupts from this HDMI board with ADV7533 chip?