2021-05-13 6:32 AM
MCU: STM32H750
Due to lots of image files for UI, I need to spend around 3~4 minutes programming the external flash. Can I specify a code area and an image area for the external flash? Then if image files are not changed, can I just update the code area?
Or is there any way to shorten the programming flash time for a project with TouchGFX?
2021-05-27 6:29 AM
2021-05-27 8:34 PM
The externalFlash of my project includes app code and graphics. The internal flash only has boot code. Therefore, in order to debug hardware interaction, I still need to flash the externalFlash. It seems the video put the app code in the internal flash, and put the graphics (or touchgfx related) in the external flash. Is that correct? If so, could you show me how to do this?