2020-09-09 8:53 PM
I would like to apply the touchGFX without RTOS .
RTOS is a quite complex way,and the products our company ever made never apply it.
That means we need a fast and simple way to use touchGFX,taking time on RTOS is not the first choice.
I also read the section <no RTOS> at https://support.touchgfx.com/docs/basic-concepts/operating-system,but useless.
2021-08-07 8:51 PM
Hello, I got this to work, look at my response above.
2022-01-27 2:40 AM
Hi Jürgen, did you solve this problem? I'm facing same problem too when I try to use with NO OS on my stm32f469i-disco board
2022-01-27 2:47 AM
No unfortunately not. I tried several things but it doesn't work reasonable.
2022-01-27 4:47 AM
This article was added since that post explaining how to run without RTOS when starting a project from a TBS.
What problem are you facing exactly ? Could you maybe share your project as well so that people can have a look ?
2023-04-27 2:25 AM
Providing this info in case someone needs it:
A documentation is now available for using TouchGFX without RTOS:
Also the freeRTOS.c and CMSIS folder need to be deleted if they are in the project, then you can freely build it without errors.