2020-02-25 4:15 AM
Hi,I am a new developer of stm32h750dk and not familiar with IAR.
OS:Windows 10
IDE:IAR 8.42.2
Tools:ST-link V3 on stm32h750dk board.
I generate stm32h750dk online application on touchGFX designer 4.12.3.
I know the flash on chip is designed for bootloader, and the code stored in QSPI Flash.
I know how to download the online application hex file to stm32h750dk on stm32Cube Programmer.
I do not know how to download and debug the source code to the QSPI Flash via IAR.
I want to know if any instructions for download and debug the source code in QSPI Flash via IAR.
The settings of the IAR below.
It compiles ok, but download failed, it show me that.
Thanks for your attention.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-02-25 6:11 AM
The way to debug using IAR is to build your project on IAR, then using STM32CubeProgrammer download the generated .hex into your board making sure you selected the right external loader.
When the download is successful, disconnect your board from STM32CubeProgrammer and try to run debug mode on IAR.
IAR usually can only download code and data into the internal memories (from what I experienced). Therefore, if you use external Flash for example and you have assets that are supposed to be stored in an address space linked to the external flash accessed via QuadSPI, IAR will not be able to download these assets into the board. That is why we use STM32CubeProgrammer because this software can program both internal and external memories.
Hope it will help somehow,
2020-02-25 4:51 AM
Not an IAR user, but check if there is a DISCO rather than EVAL external flash loader algorithm. The boards are usually wired differently.
2020-02-25 5:14 AM
Please be aware that some patches (board scripts) are needed to use properly IAR with the H7 family, could you please confirm that you installed the following :
Best regards,
2020-02-25 6:11 AM
The way to debug using IAR is to build your project on IAR, then using STM32CubeProgrammer download the generated .hex into your board making sure you selected the right external loader.
When the download is successful, disconnect your board from STM32CubeProgrammer and try to run debug mode on IAR.
IAR usually can only download code and data into the internal memories (from what I experienced). Therefore, if you use external Flash for example and you have assets that are supposed to be stored in an address space linked to the external flash accessed via QuadSPI, IAR will not be able to download these assets into the board. That is why we use STM32CubeProgrammer because this software can program both internal and external memories.
Hope it will help somehow,
2020-02-25 7:06 AM
There is no DISCO in flashloader folder,thanks for your attention.
2020-02-25 7:34 AM
Hi,Nicolas SANTINI
I installed the support package,but still can not download the source code to QSPI Flash.
Alexandre RENOUX is the right answer,I can download the compile file by stm32cube programmer and use the debug without downloading on IAR to debug the source code.
Thanks for your attention.
2020-02-25 7:50 AM
Hi,Alexandre RENOUX
I can download the compile file by stm32cube programmer and use the debug without downloading on IAR to debug the source code now.
I find an article that show me how to download and debug his project via IAR,but he didn't open his source code.I am tring to connect him.
Article link:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41608804/article/details/100728879
Thanks for your attention.
2020-02-25 8:06 AM
Like this one?
2020-02-25 8:09 AM
>>I installed the support package, but still can not download the source code to QSPI Flash.
Unpack the patches, or look where you put them
...\EWARM\arm\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32H750B_QSPI-DISCO.flash / .out
Object/executable code, not "source" code
2020-02-25 10:33 PM
Hi clive1,
I unpack the patches and copy FlashSTM32H750B_QSPI-DISCO.flash and FlashSTM32H750B_QSPI-DISCO.out file to C:\ProgramFile(x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench8.4\arm\config\flashloader\ST.
Also I choose the FlashSTM32H750B-DISCO.Board (path:STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.6.0\Utilities\PC_Software\IDEs_Patches\EWARM\EWARMv8_STM32H7xx_Support_V1.1\arm\config\flashloader\ST ) on options->Debugger->Downloader.
The settings is that.
I can download and debug the source code via IAR now.
I want to know if the settings is the same or not for user custom board with the same address for QSPI Flash,but the QSPI Flash is different from the QSPI Flash(Mircon MT25QL512ABB) on stm32h750dk.
In other words,I concern if the settings is useful when i use other QSPI Flash on custom board?
Thanks for your attention.