2020-09-01 11:57 PM
2020-09-02 4:11 AM
The circleProgress widget would be a good way to do this. Have a look at the documentation and at the UI example "Progress Indicator" there are examples of progress bars/circles that could be interesting to you as they can be sued as loading process. There are some code as well to help you get started.
2020-09-02 1:26 AM
Hi friend,
Could you be a bit more specific? What do you mean by busyIndicator? What have you tried for now?
2020-09-02 2:03 AM
I want to create a widget indicating the process is going on and to wait.
ex. a spinning wheel.
2020-09-02 3:10 AM
So like a text saying "it is working now, wait" ?
2020-09-02 3:11 AM
2020-09-02 3:23 AM
If a text is enough, then you can just write a message depending on the situation you are in. If the process is ongoing, display this message, if not then this other message. Have a look at the textArea documentation (you have some code to help you started) and at the UI example "Text Area" available on TouchGFX Designer, where instead of using a button, you change the text when the process stops/starts.
If you want something a bit more complex and depending on your c++ knowledge, you can have a look at how custom containers work. This will allow you to create a custom widget. But if you just need a background with a text over it and an image or icon next to it, then this is not necessary, just use the existing widgets instead of custom containers.
2020-09-02 3:31 AM
I want to add image which spins continuously the seconds I want. which indicates the the search is being processing.
2020-09-02 3:33 AM
In short, I want to indicate "loading process".
2020-09-02 4:11 AM
The circleProgress widget would be a good way to do this. Have a look at the documentation and at the UI example "Progress Indicator" there are examples of progress bars/circles that could be interesting to you as they can be sued as loading process. There are some code as well to help you get started.
2020-09-02 4:35 AM
circle progress indicates how much the progress is done of searching or anything related to purpose. Anyways, I found the solution. Texture mapper is being used to rotate the image.