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How to communicate STM32F429 discovery with SD card using SPI communication?

Associate III

Hello everyone!

I'm working on a TouchGFX project on STM32F429 discovery board, because of the small size of the internal flash I have used SD card module with SPI communication standard to store the images.

Steps I follow these videos

The steps I did are different from the video:

+ The address allocated for the SD card in file.ld is 0x90000000

+ The communication standard I have installed in the STM32Cube MX is SPI1 not SDIO

+ QSPI and SDMMC function is not supported on stm32f429 discovery board

The other steps are exactly the same as the video sequence.

The results that appear on my LCD monitor are colors that are skewed, images cannot be displayed. I tested the Bitmap::CacheAll() statement and it returns true.

Someone please give me some advice

Thank you everyone!