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How container can call the methods in Model ?

Associate II


I have a question when trying to change screen by click different buttons.

There are 5 buttons on Screen 1, and Screen 2 have 5 similar but different styles.

When Screen 1 - Button 1 was clicked, goto Screen 2 and showed in style 1.

My mind to do this is define a variable member in Model, and set the value by Screen1View->Screen1Presenter->Model->setValue, and then in setupScreen of Screen 2 to get value by Screen2View->Screen2Presenter->Model->getValue, and then initialize the style.

It worked OK!

But the buttons in Screen 1 is to simple, I want to add some other elements (text, icon, background, ...) to button. So I used user container.

The container includes all elements I want, and a button with tranparent image on the top level.

Set a button clicked callback method, in which, set the value in model.

The problem is that model mothods can only called by presenter, and presenter can only accessed by viewer. So I can't set the style value in container method.

Any one have suggestion for my question? Or is my mind wrong, and have any better to do it?


Chief III

Either use callbacks in your container so that they are portable (use in multiple views) or just configure the container with a pointer to the View that you can call methods on.
