2019-12-12 05:55 AM
I have a question when trying to change screen by click different buttons.
There are 5 buttons on Screen 1, and Screen 2 have 5 similar but different styles.
When Screen 1 - Button 1 was clicked, goto Screen 2 and showed in style 1.
My mind to do this is define a variable member in Model, and set the value by Screen1View->Screen1Presenter->Model->setValue, and then in setupScreen of Screen 2 to get value by Screen2View->Screen2Presenter->Model->getValue, and then initialize the style.
It worked OK!
But the buttons in Screen 1 is to simple, I want to add some other elements (text, icon, background, ...) to button. So I used user container.
The container includes all elements I want, and a button with tranparent image on the top level.
Set a button clicked callback method, in which, set the value in model.
The problem is that model mothods can only called by presenter, and presenter can only accessed by viewer. So I can't set the style value in container method.
Any one have suggestion for my question? Or is my mind wrong, and have any better to do it?
2019-12-12 12:44 PM
Either use callbacks in your container so that they are portable (use in multiple views) or just configure the container with a pointer to the View that you can call methods on.