2021-08-22 4:25 AM
Hi! I'm using stm32h750-custom board, and I want to show a picture on a 4.3 inch tft lcd with ltdc interface. I'm pretty sure that I adjusted ltdc setting correctly. I used image converter to convert the image (480*272pixels) and I add the exported header and C file to my project. Then I cast it to 16-bit for FBstartAddress. What I can see on the LCD is just a white screen. Why doesn't it work? Could you help me? Thank you in advance. My project test is attached.
2021-08-22 8:02 AM
Can you debug this? Do you have a scope or logic analyzer you can inspect some of the critical signals?
Perhaps you can paint a frame buffer with solid colours rather than trying to decode a JPEG into them.
Sounds like you're not properly configuring the data/clocking, or display controller properly.
2021-08-22 8:50 AM
5 MHz for the LTDC is probably way on the lower end
2021-08-23 12:14 AM
Thank you for responding. Unfortunately, I have no scopes or logic analyzers. I set ltdc according to the datasheet you shared, and I increased ltdc freq till 37 MHz, but it didn't work. I programed a demo code on micro, and it worked properly, but I have no information about its ltdc settings. Thank you anyway. How much should I increase the frequency?