2022-01-28 1:23 AM
Hi all
I don't want to use FREERTOS on my project so I need to use touchgfx with No OS. I will also use Qspi and sdram. For that I used 2 ways.
First way; I created new stm32 project on STM32CubeIde by BoardSelector (targeted c++ language) and initialized all peripherals with their default Mode . Then disabled freertos and enabled touchgfx as you can see below. Program runs without error but I got nothing as you see on image. Second way; I created project on TouchGFX Designer with STM32F469I Discovery Kit (I aware that it is rtos). Then, on STM32CubeIDE I opened projects from file system and on .ioc file I disabled FreeRTOS, and then I compiled project and got this following error :
/Middlewares/FreeRTOS/cmsis_os2.o: in function `SysTick_Handler'
/Middlewares/FreeRTOS/port.o: in function `SVC_Handler':
/Middlewares/FreeRTOS/port.o: in function `PendSV_Handler':
so I deleted FreeRTOS files, I run the code but I had nothing on board's screenMy files is attached. Could you tell me my missing point? I would appreciate.
noOsTouchGfx is first way
rtosToNoOS is second way
2022-01-28 6:55 AM
Your first way is empty code prepared to start with any display. You need add all support code for LCD on board and too refresh call to TE or timer interrupt...
Your second way have drivers , but migrate to noOS isnt so simple...
Why you need change ? If you use only one task in RTOS is soon to noOS.
2022-01-30 4:02 AM
Thank you for your answer, Reason that I want to use No Os, I haven't use RTOS yet. But after I searched for it, I decided to use RTOS, Are you using RTOS for your application?
2022-01-30 8:21 AM
With TGFX yes
2022-01-31 1:18 AM
Here is an article in the documentation explaining how to run without OS when starting from a TBS available in TouchGFX Designer.
Concerning your first way: there is always a bit more to do than just setting the TouchGFX Generator in STM32CubeMX, especially when setting a custom display interface. You can compare it with the project started from TouchGFX Designer with the TBS for the STM32F569dk you talked about. Have a look at the files like STM32TouchGFXHAL.cpp or STM32TouchController.cpp in the TouchGFX/target folder for example.