2022-03-03 6:36 AM
I read that already 2 years ago, someone had encountered this problem and the recommended solutions werw to make a merge between the project files ".touchgfx" and between the files "texts.xlsx" but you have to very careful not to make mistakes. To work togheter on a project we use Tortoise SVN to manage the project version control and actually we're using TouchGFX - 4.17.0. Do you have some tips or methods to solve this problem?
2022-03-03 9:42 AM
I mean share Designer work isnt real, only one person at time can use tgfx edit. But code in IDE can be shared as in Eclipse.
2022-04-12 6:17 PM
In TouchGFX 4.18 the texts.xlsx file has been replaced by a texts.xml file meaning that it can be managed just like a normal source code file with version control and merges etc.
I've not had problems with the .touchgfx file since it is just a text file and can be treated like a source code file and auto-merges etc can take place.