2016-04-26 12:56 PM
I am trying to create an STemWin application for STM32F429 discovery. I have an old application, handmade from some old CubeMX. It is working fine. Now I created a new basic project with CubeMX 4.14, I only selected Discovery STM32F429 and defined clocks. I imported it to System workbench and build, all ok. Then I copied the emWin files from the old project. When trying to build, I got a lot errors. Most concerned unknown references to HAL_StatusTypeDef and HAL_LockTypeDef. In stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h all was ok. Did not help, eventhough I included stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h directly to the file concerning. The only way I could build the project was to make a new file and put those definitons there. Now I could build, but the application hangs in GUI_Init, in Default_Handler. I copied all code from the beginning to GUI_Init from the old project, but no help, it never reached LCD_LL_Init. The problem is deeper, where, I cannot say and I have unfortunately not enough knowledge to start digging.
STemWin should be CubeMX compatible, but I am not so sure. Has anybody succeeded to combine STemWin and CubeMX code. #stemwin #cubemx2016-04-27 05:30 AM
I have the same problems about this subject. I have created an ltdc project with cubemx and when i copied the stemwin gui library the compiler gives errors like that ''no definition for GUI_Init()''.