2020-02-12 12:55 PM
2020-02-17 4:22 AM
General speaking, one can use TouchGFX on any STM32 MCU (Cortex M0+, M4, M7 based). Some STM32 MCUs' are out of the box (oob) supported, having Application Templates ( AT: BSP with TouchGFX HAL) for the STM32 Evaluation kit available in TouchGFX Designer. Others like STM32WB55 is not yet supported with AT’s. This means that one need to development the TouchGFX HAL on his own using TouchGFX Generator in CubeMX as starting point. STM32WB55 + TouchGFX will definitely be able to run small SPI displays (320x240) with up to 16 bit color. There is no fixed schedule for adding OOB support of WB55.
2020-02-26 6:21 AM
I can confirm it is possible to make it work. A few things to note: 1. WB55 does not have a dedicated display port or FMC, so is limited to SPI type displays. 2. WB55 only has 256K of RAM which is shared with the radio. (a 240 x 240 x 16-bit display needs 115K of display buffer) so you may be limited to using partial display buffering and updates). 3. The WB55 runs at max 64 MHz. 4. The internal flash is quite large, but if you have images and text/font to display, expect to put a quad-spi on to hold your display assets.
I think that lists the some of the more interesting issues I faced in my port.
2020-03-02 1:01 AM
Thanks for the feedback