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Dear Experts, I am new in using STM32H735-DK board. tried to download clock example in developement board. Download succeed but example not working. Two LEDS,LD1 & LD2 continues ON and display Blank. when i press RST button display just blink only.

Associate II

STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.9.1

Copyright (c) 2021, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.

Starting server with the following options:

    Persistent Mode      : Disabled

    Logging Level       : 1

    Listen Port Number     : 61234

    Status Refresh Delay    : 15s

    Verbose Mode        : Disabled

    SWD Debug         : Enabled

    InitWhile         : Enabled

Waiting for debugger connection...

Debugger connected


            STM32CubeProgrammer v2.8.0          


ST-LINK SN : 001F00303438510734313939


Board    : STM32H735G-DK

Voltage   : 3.29V

SWD freq  : 24000 KHz

Connect mode: Under Reset

Reset mode : Hardware reset

Device ID  : 0x483

Revision ID : Rev Z

Device name : STM32H72x/STM32H73x

Flash size : 1 MBytes

Device type : MCU

Device CPU : Cortex-M7

BL Version : 0x92

Memory Programming ...

Opening and parsing file: ST-LINK_GDB_server_a21916.srec

 File     : ST-LINK_GDB_server_a21916.srec

 Size     : 386412 Bytes

 Address    : 0x08000000 

Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:

Erasing internal memory sector 0

Erasing memory corresponding to segment 1:

Erasing external memory sectors [0 3]

Download in Progress:

File download complete

Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:03.765

Verifying ...

Download verified successfully 

Debugger connection lost.

Shutting down...

ST Employee

Hi @Dharmesh​ ,

Based on the readme file of the example STM32CubeH7/Projects/STM32H735G-DK/Examples/RCC/RCC_ClockConfig, the clock source is changed each time you press the USER button.

  • LED1 is toggled with a timing defined by the HAL_Delay() API.
  • LED2 is ON when there is an error.

Is that what you see as behavior?


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Hello Amel,

Thank you for your reply.

Problem was solved when i uninstall STCube IDE,Ver_6.0 and install latest one.But again same thing happening right now. in my Discovery board when i load even simple program of one screen touch gfx,simulation working fine, firmware download succsed but LD1,LD2 continuesly Glow and display black.. When i press RESET button sitution as it is.

I am using below IDE right now,

  1. st-stm32cubeide_1.9.0_12015_20220302_0855_x86_64
  2. TouchGFX-4.19.1

When i tried for debugging i found firmware is not getting out from below loop of core_cm7.h file

sets = (uint32_t)(CCSIDR_SETS(ccsidr));

  do {

   ways = (uint32_t)(CCSIDR_WAYS(ccsidr));

   do {

    SCB->DCISW = (((sets << SCB_DCISW_SET_Pos) & SCB_DCISW_SET_Msk) |

           ((ways << SCB_DCISW_WAY_Pos) & SCB_DCISW_WAY_Msk) );

    #if defined ( __CC_ARM )



   } while (ways-- != 0U);

  } while(sets-- != 0U);


waiting for your valueable feedback. Thank you.

Hi @Dharmesh​,

TouchGFX is not my area of expertise. May be @Romain DIELEMAN​  can help you at this level.


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