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Can't we implement page rolling in TouchGFX swipe container?


I want In swipe Container pages rolling.


example (page 1 -> page 2 -> page 3 -> page 1 -> page 2 -> page 3)

all right direction swipe


Can I know how??

ST Employee


Were you able to find a solution ?

A work around I would use if relevant would be to have a swipe container with an extra page 4 which is exactly like page 1, where if you do page 3 -> page 1 then you directly remove the swipe container and add it again from slide 1 (don't know if it makes sense). If you need to have it also going from page 1 to page 3 you could have a swipe container like this:

page 0 ( = page 3) . page 1 . page 2 . page 3 . page 4 ( = page 1)

To be tested I don't know if it would work well enough.


Senior III

For a future version of Swipe COntainer, it would be a great addition to the Swipe Container properties to have:

1) Left/Right or Up/Down selection. I'm using the F469I-DISCO with a Portrait canvas, and would like to be able to swipe up to 'unlock' the GUI.

2) Circular checkbox to allow rollovers.